White Egret Beeswax Personal Care Candles, 12 ea
If You search Personal Care then White Egret Beeswax Personal Care Candles, 12 ea is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 24.99
At White Egret, we offer the highest quality candles and accessories to ensure each candling session is peaceful and enjoyable
All of our candles are made using strict quality standards, the highest quality essential oils and ingredients, and the highest quality cloths and food grade paraffin, beeswax or soy
Related Product White Egret Beeswax Personal Care Candles, 12 ea
Carbon Steel Nail Clippers Set Nail Pliers Pedicure Manicure Tools Personal Care Gift Box 7pcs - Type 3
Carbon Steel Nail Clippers Set Nail Pliers Pedicure Manicure Tools Personal Care Gift Box 7pcs - Type 3
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Promotional 2 Oz. Sanitizer Bottle, Custom Healthcare/Personal Care.
Custom Gildan Ultra Cotton 7oz
Knit Sport Shirt (Colored) for as low as 15.28 (with minimum 12 each)
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Sanitizer Bottle, Personalized 2 Oz
Sanitizer Bottle, Custom Imprinted Healthcare/Personal Care by PromoDirect.
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Pritech LD-9987 Personal Care Rechargeable Hair Removing Electric Epilator for Ladies Golden
Tmart.com store provides cool gadgets, cell phones, consumer electronics, LED flashlight, car accessories, phones accessories, computer accessories, games accessories, holiday gifts and security camera.
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Problem Solvers No-Bend Stocking Pull-On Personal Care Solutions
Problem: It can be difficult to bend down and pull on your stockings, socks or other legwear
Solved! This No-Bend Stocking Pull-On features long straps that aid in pulling on stockings-without bending or stooping
Ideal for anyone with a limited range of motion, this stocking pull-on aid eliminates the need for bending down to pull on stockings, socks and other footwear
The long straps allow you to easily reach your feet, while the clips keep the stockings securely in place
The one-piece design makes stockings easy to pull on
simply insert your foot and pull up to the desired height
Perfect for use during recovery from hip, knee or back surgery
Get dressed easily and efficiently-without the risk of injury! Sock pull-on aid Eliminates the need for bending or stooping to put on socks, stockings, etc
Ideal for anyone with a limited range of motion Innovative, one-piece design features long straps and convenient clips for securing in place Latex-freeDimensions14"L x 9"W x 1"H
Price : 12.95